Thursday, June 26, 2008

What is google adsense

Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant Google ads on their website's content pages and earn money. Because the ads are related to what your visitors are looking for on your site — or matched to the characteristics and interests of the visitors your content attracts — you'll finally have a way to both monetize and enhance your content pages.

It's also a way for website publishers to provide Google web and site search to their visitors, and to earn money by displaying Google ads on the search results pages.

Google AdSense is the program that can give you advertising revenue from each page on your website—with a minimal investment in time and no additional resources.

AdSense delivers relevant text and image ads that are precisely targeted to your site and your site content. And when you add a Google search box to your site, AdSense delivers relevant text ads that are targeted to the Google search results pages generated by your visitors’ search request.

How account gets banned

If you don't play by the rules, you may get a warning, you may get suspended, or you may just get banned.

1. Commit Google Don'ts
The first thing to avoid is any of the Google Don'ts. Cloaking, keyword stuffing, and title stacking are all ways to get banned from Google searches. They're also ways to get banned from AdSense.
When you place AdSense ads on your site, your site is far more visible to Google and it's much more likely that your rule breaking will be caught.

2. Click on Your Own Ads
No matter how tempting, never ever click on your own ads. This is probably the easiest way to get your site suspended or banned. It's a form of click fraud, and Google is very good at catching this, even if you think you're hiding your tracks.
Don't let anyone who uses any computer in your home click on your ads, either. Make sure your significant others and children are aware of the rules, or you could jeopardize your standing with Google.

3. Hide Your Ads
It might be tempting to hide your ads by making them the same color as your background or camouflaging them on areas with busy background images. You do still get paid for pageviews, so invisible ads would still pay, right? Don't even try it. This violates Google's Terms of Service, and it's easy to get caught.
Don't stuff your ads far below the rest of the content, either. Clicks pay better than pageviews, so it's to your advantage to have your ads prominent. Try to make the ads look like they belong on your page.

4. Beg for Clicks
Don't hold ad-click contests, beg, or even give big hints that people should click on your ads. They can ban you if they catch you begging for clicks anywhere on the Web, including pages that are totally unrelated to your AdSense pages.
Google also forbids labeling your ads with language stronger than "sponsored links." This is really for everyone's benefit. Pages that beg for clicks are usually not great reads, and pity clicks don't help the advertisers.

Note: It's fine to have contests on your Web site that aren't related to ad clicking or other rule breaking, such as "best photo" contests.

5. Alter the Code
AdSense generates javascript code that you can copy-and-paste directly into the HTML of your Web page. If you need to change the color or size of your ads, generate new code from AdSense. Don't make changes to the code from your Web page editing program or tweak it by hand.
If you put AdSense in Blogger, Google will generate the code for you from within Blogger.

6. Use Robots to Click on Your Site
Never use any sort of automated tool to inflate your page views or click on your ads. This is click fraud of the highest order, and Google is very sophisticated at catching this. This is a trick that can easily get you banned.
Likewise, don't use human-powered schemes to pay for clicks, either. No trading clicks with other AdSense users, and no pay-for-clicking schemes. If advertisers wanted to pay people for clicking, they would have signed up for it themselves.

7. Tell People How Much You Earn Per Click
Google is very picky about how much you disclose about how AdSense works. They don't let you tell people how much you were paid per keyword, because this could jeopardize revenue from AdWords advertisers. Beware of anyone who offers to sell you this information.

8. Make Pages Specifically to Display Ads
Google says you can't make pages simply to hang ads, "whether or not the page content is relevant." Many Web sites, including, make money from ads. Google itself makes most of its money from advertising. What makes the difference between ad sponsored content and content for the sake of ads?
When you develop your site, your first thought should be about creating content, not ads. Avoid writing empty sentences for the sake of generating keywords, and avoid lengthy copy-and-pastes just to make more pages. Every page you publish should have a content-driven purpose.

9. Make Content About Taboo Topics
Google has a strict list of content standards, and they don't accept AdSense on pages that are violating them. These include, among other things, sites that promote or sell:
certain weapons
designer knock-offs
This is a silly rule to violate, because AdSense is keyword generated, so it's amazingly easy for you to get caught. If you do have content that violates these rules, such as a beer-making supply store, they may be legitimate sites, but AdSense is not for you.

10. Cheat in Any Other Way
This isn't by any means a comprehensive list.
I'm sure there are many ways to game the system that Google hasn't found out about... yet. There always are. AdSense is constantly changing to find new ways to detect click fraud, and eventually you will be caught.

Make money with Youtube

Google will now allow you to make money off the videos you upload to YouTube. Partners are independent video creators and media companies who are looking for online distribution and who meet YouTube’s qualifications. Becoming a partner gives you the ability to share in ad revenue from your YouTube videos.

Why Is YouTube Doing This?

The answer is, they can’t. YouTube is hiding behind the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) to protect themselves from claims of copyright violations. In order to hide behind the act, YouTube cannot make money off the videos uploaded by its user base. If they do, copyright holders can go after YouTube for the income (plus damages) those videos made instead of just telling YouTube to remove the videos.

Now YouTube is offering this partner program to everyone who qualifies.

What Are The Requirements?

Before you can apply for the YouTube Partner Program, your must meet all the following requirements.

1)You create original videos suitable for online streaming.
2)You own the copyrights and distribution rights for all audio and video content that you upload — no exceptions.
3)You regularly upload videos that are viewed by thousands of YouTube users.
4)You live in the United States or Canada

Google Referrals updated News

After the last messsage from google adsense this is what they are saying to all PUBLISHERS

you have the option to add a referral unit for AdSense within your account when you target any referral unit to Japan and/or any countries in North America and Latin America. To ensure payment for valid conversions, we recommend that you check the targeting settings on your current AdSense referral units.

We'd also like to let you know about upcoming changes to the referrals programs for Google Pack and Firefox:

Google Pack: Currently, you can earn up to $2 when a user downloads and runs Google Pack for the first time after being referred through your link or button. Starting the third week of February, each successful Pack referral will earn up to $1. This change will apply to all referrals for Google Pack and is independent of user location or publisher location.

Firefox: We will also be reducing payments for Firefox referrals from China during the third week of February. This specific referral payment change will only affect installations from users in China. As with referrals to AdSense, this is independent of your location as a publisher.

How to add adsense code in blogger post body

The best ad location of the blog is either on right or left between the post title and post body

what is required for this is if ur
main wrapper is of 300 and more px try using a 125*125 ad unit

if ur main wrapper is 400px and more use 200 * 200 ad unit

after taking the ad unit from ur adsense account

replacing the following HTML characters:-

now go to ur blog template,edit html,clik on expandwidget template

and search for

now if u want the ad on right side



and if u want ur ads on left side add
just change right instead of left from the above code and paste it after

and save the template.

How to Increase Your AdSense Revenue

This article concentrates on how to build backlinks in a natural way or via different programs and forums

It is out of question that quality backlinks are crucial to SEO success. More, the question is how to get them. While with on-page content optimization it seems easier because everything is up to you to do and decide, with backlinks it looks like you have to rely on others to work for your success. Well, this is partially true because while backlinks are links that start on another site and point to yours, you can discuss with the Web master of the other site details like the anchor text, for example. Yes, it is not the same as administering your own sites – i.e. you do not have total control over backlinks – but still there are many aspects that can be negotiated.

Getting Backlinks the Natural Way

The idea behind including backlinks as part of the page rank algorithm is that if a page is good, people will start linking to it. And the more backlinks a page has, the better. But in practice it is not exactly like this. Or at least you cannot always rely on the fact that your contents is good and people will link to you. Yes, if your content is good and relevant you can get a lot of quality backlinks, including from sites with similar topic as yours (and these are the most valuable kind of backlinks, especially if the anchor text contains your keywords) but what you get without efforts could be less than what you need to successfully promote your site. So, you will have to resort to other ways of acquiring quality backlinks as described next.

Ways to Build Backlinks

Even if plenty of backlinks come to your site the natural way, additional quality backlinks are always welcome and the time you spend building them is not wasted. Among the acceptable ways of building quality backlinks are getting listed in directories, posting in forums, blogs and article directories. The unacceptable ways include inter-linking (linking from one site to another site, which is owned by the same owner or exists mainly for the purpose to be a link farm), linking to spam sites or sites that host any kind of illegal content, purchasing links in bulk, linking to link farms, etc.

The first step in building backlinks is to find the places from which you can get quality backlinks. A valuable assistant in this process is the Backlink Builder tool. When you enter the keywords of your choice, the Backlink Builder tool gives you a list of sites where you can post an article, message, posting, or simply a backlink to your site. After you have the list of potential backlink partners, it is up to you to visit each of the sites and post your content with the backlink to your site in it.

You might wonder why sites as those, listed by the Backlink Builder tool provide such a precious asset as backlinks for free. The answer is simple – they need content for their site. When you post an article, or submit a link to your site, you do not get paid for this. You provide them for free with something they need – content – and in return they also provide you for free with something you need – quality backlinks. It is a free trade, as long as the sites you post your content or links are respected and you don't post fake links or content.

Getting Listed in Directories

If you are serious about your Web presence, getting listed in directories like DMOZ and Yahoo is a must – not only because this is a way to get some quality backlinks for free, but also because this way you are easily noticed by both search engines and potential visitors. Generally inclusion in search directories is free but the drawback is that sometimes you have to wait a couple of months before you get listed in the categories of your choice.

Forums and Article Directories

Generally search engines index forums so posting in forums and blogs is also a way to get quality backlinks with the anchor text you want. If the forum or blog is a respected one, a backlink is valuable. However, in some cases the forum or blog administrator can edit your post, or even delete it if it does not fit into the forum or blog policy. Also, sometimes administrators do not allow links in posts, unless they are relevant ones. In some rare cases (which are more an exception than a rule) the owner of a forum or a blog would have banned search engines from indexing it and in this case posting backlinks there is pointless.

While forum postings can be short and do not require much effort, submitting articles to directories can be more time-consuming because generally articles are longer than posts and need careful thinking while writing them. But it is also worth and it is not so difficult to do

Friday, June 20, 2008

Higher Search Engine ranking

There are many factors that affect how your blog rank on search engines and if you don’t rank well chances are you wont be making a lot of money from blogging.If you are ranked in the top 10 on the first page on search engines chances are you might make $3-$4 min from your blog.
Most people use Google to search for Information on the net and if you don’t rank well you wont get a lot of traffic, so I'm going to discuss how to rank better in Google And using someSEO (Search Engine Optimization) tips .
Links and Anchor Text

This is the most important SEO factor that determines how you rank, the more links to your site the higher you rank on search engines.Inorder to be good at this you must select and optimize your Anchor text-the word or term used on someone's blog or site that links to you in my case it would be "Making Money From Blogging"this is what I want people to search.
This is also how Google Bombing is done, so instead of writing your blogs name when linking write what you want to be search for and that’s it. If enough and I mean enough blogs link to you with that phrase or word you are bound to get a higher ranking.
So when ever you link exchange tell the linker to use the word or phrase you want to be search for and remember to keep the links growing.This is totally legitimate.
Fresh Contents

If you can combine what was said about links and anchor text with fresh content you sure to rank high. Fresh content is loved by search engines and if you can update your blog every week you will make good progress to Google's top 10.
This though depends on what you are writing about if you write about something that's not very competitive you don’t have to update that much but you must update and do maintenance on your blog.
Keyword tweaking

This is very effective on how you rank and has to be done and must be done, if you repeat the keyword you want to rank for you will get a good ranking ,this must not be overdone because Google will think its spam and rank you lower or be banned.Use this tool to see which words people search for in relations to your Topic or keyword, try to use most of the words/phrase suggested instead of one.
Keywords and the title tag

You need to insert the keyword you want to rank for in the title tag of your blog; I changed my title from Richblogger the original name of my blog to Making Money From blogging.You must also consider the question of what word will be typed in the search engines.
Check this site for more info

The TOP 20 best paying Adwords

*Note - Keywords and their payouts are CONTINUOUSLY changing.

$69.10 mesothelioma treatment options
$66.46 mesothelioma risk
$65.85 personal injury lawyer michigan
$65.74 michigan personal injury attorney
$62.59 student loans consolidation
$61.44 car accident attorney los angeles
$61.26 mesothelioma survival rate
$60.96 treatment of mesothelioma
$59.44 online car insurance quotes
$59.39 arizona dui lawyer
$59.04 mesothelioma article
$58.44 new york mesothelioma
$57.93 epithelioid mesothelioma
$57.87 michigan car accident attorney
$57.54 mesothelioma facts
$57.13 mesothelioma resource
$56.59 free auto insurance quote
$56.57 mesothelioma doctor
$56.24 mesothelioma

$55.67 mesothelioma lung

The best paying keywords on Adwords are still dominated by lawyer referrals. Mortgage, credit, insurance, personal injury, wrongful death, DUI and Most notably: Mesothelioma lawyers.

What is Mesothelioma? and why are the Mesothelioma Attorneys paying so much?

"Mesothelioma (cancer of the mesothelium) is a disease in which cells of the mesothelium become abnormal and divide without control or order. They can invade and damage nearby tissues and organs. Cancer cells can also metastasize(spread) from their original site to other parts of the body. Most cases of mesothelioma begin in the pleura or peritoneum" (

Why is Mesothelioma paying out so big?
It's simple, Mesothelioma Attorneys pay big bucks per click for referrals to people who have Mesothelioma because Mesothelioma is contracted from exposure to asbestos.

"Working with asbestos is the major risk factor for mesothelioma.
A history of asbestos exposure at work is reported in about 70 percent to 80 percent of all cases. However, mesothelioma has been reported in some individuals without any known exposure to asbestos."(

So these Mesothelioma Attorneys compete with each other for these referrals and have driven the price up to it's current payout - because these referrals could be a possible lawsuit against a former employer who was negligible in their handling procedure of asbestos. So, these Mesothelioma Attorneys ran their math, and each click converts to a lawsuit at a rate that keeps it profitable.

Use this Google AdWords tool to look this information up.

Want to Know the Highest Paying AdWords?

Here are the some of the highest paying Google Adwords

mesothelioma $84.08
mesothelioma attorneys $80.93
mesothelioma lawyers $69.04
malignant pleural mesothelioma $55.95

Asbestos Cancer $54.17

mesothelioma symptoms $53.66

peritoneal mesothelioma $52.27
trans union $51.91
lung cancer $43.12
search engine optimization $30.19
mesothelioma diagnosis $28.70
home equity loans $20.06
baines and ernst $18.47
consolidate loans $17.74
lexington law $17.68
lexington law firm $16.81
debt problems $16.28
register domain $15.74
home equity line of credit $15.61

affiliate programs $14.33
refinance $14.21
video conferencing $13.63
payday loans $13.21
credit counseling $13.02
asbestos $12.79
debt solutions $12.64
cash loans $12.13
refinancing $12.09
broadband phone $12.08
debt management $11.86
fast loans $11.81
credit card processing $11.75
credit reports $11.59
making money on the internet $11.58
merchant account $11.46
line of credit $11.42
money magazine $11.27
adsense $11.13
credit counselors $11.02
identity theft $11.00

Things to avoid on adsense

1. Don’t use proxies and click bots

2. Avoid clicking on your own ads, with the computer that you usually use to check your Google account and blog with

3. Don’t join click rings: people in groups that click on each other’s ads

4. Tell the family not to click on the ads using the home P.C or just restrict the website

5.Dont write click me under the ads

6.No google ads in emails

7.Dont dispays other ads similar to google's ads on the same page

8. Only put three ad units per page-meaning that you should only put ads on only three posts
if you three post per page.